Brotherhood Questions

What I need to bring for my brotherhood?

After 10 months of service and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which
places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership
In the OA.

As with all OA functions, you should bring your complete (“Class A”) Scout uniform with OA sash.

The prerequirmemts for brotherhood:
In the Order of Arrow for a less 10 Months dues paid
Be a registered member of scouting
Wright a letter to your lodge Secretary. Telling what brotherhood means to you.
(Need help writing your letter go to JUMP START for help.)

The questions for brotherhood are:
Admonition (memorize)
The sign of Order membership (memorize)
The handclasp (memorize)
Order of the Arrow Official Song (memorize)
Order of the Arrow Obligation (memorize)
Who is kichkinet? Nutiket? Allowat Sakima?
What tokens did the four ceremonial principles revel to you in the pre-Order and what did they represent?
What are the test of the Ordeal, and what do the illustrate?

What are the three symbolic preparation for the obligation?
What is the tradition given us by Uncas as described in the legend?
What is the significance of Allowat Sakima’s description of the Arrow in the Ordeal ceremony?
What is Ordeal Membership?
When are you ready to accept brotherhood membership in the Brotherhood?

The two times you can get brotherhood are

March 3rd weekend
September 3rd weekend
Summer Camp new 2004